
Church Life

A message from the vicar

Our wonderful school and our equally wonderful church have been partners in their faith and work since the early days of our village’s history. A chapel was opened in a cottage on Station Road in 1866; and a year later, by knocking two of the cottage’s rooms together, the church opened a little school on the premises. For nearly 160 years, therefore, our church and school have ‘grown up together,’ establishing and blessing the local community here in New Longton. Much has changed in that time, but the mutual love and support of the church and the school has been a constant through the generations.

At All Saints’ Church we are greatly enriched by our relationship with the school – with the children, their parents and carers, and the staff. Throughout the school year we love to welcome class groups for special RE lessons, for some of our regular midweek services, and for a handful of big occasions and celebrations marking major Christian festivals and milestones in the life of the school. We trust that in turn the school community benefits from their relationship with us – as we uphold the school in our prayers in church, supply foundation governors to assist in the vision and leadership of the school, and lead an act of collective worship each week.

Of course, our school seeks to be just as welcoming to and supportive of families of other faiths and none, but we hope that through our church’s close relationship with the school, children and their families will encounter the love and grace of Jesus Christ, both through our words and our actions as together we teach and seek to model and live out the ‘All Saints’ Way.’

Rev’d Tom

Rev’d Tom Woolford
Rev’d Tom Woolford

Foundation Ex Officio

At school, we are Guided by God’s Light in all that we do and our faith underpins our ethos: our All Saints’ Way. We benefit from weekly worships on Thursdays with our Vicar, Tom Woolford of All Saints’ Church and are proud of the Christian character that our school shows.

Year 5 and Year 6 children attend church on Wednesdays across the year and are part of the reading roster. Year 6 also act as servers during the service.

Rev’d Tom and his church team run Young Saints’ on a Tuesday after school, where children in Year 4 – 6 can continue their spiritual growth and have fun at the same time. We’re really proud to have such strong and deep links with our parish and community.

Hugh Barn Lane
New Longton
Phone: 01772 613470
Jim Maloney Headteacher
Sarah Hunter School Business Manager
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