Key Information


At NLAS, we are committed to ensuring that your children receive the best possible education to prepare them for the next stage of their lives. 

The government has stated that children should have an attendance of 96% and above.  

In many instances in life, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means your child will miss 19 days of school during the year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks and added up over the 7 school years, that’s 70% of a whole academic year missed!

Absence Procedure

If your child is unwell and requires time off school, please telephone the school office by 8.30am or leave a message on the absence line on every day of the absence.  If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode – please inform us of that. 

Requests for absence due to family holidays must be requested by contacting the school office where you will be given a holiday request form either in person or by email. Authorised leave is only granted in exceptional circumstances.

No holiday leave is granted as authorised. 

Late Arrivals

Entrances to classrooms are closed at 8:55am. After that point, you must report to the school office to gain entry.

New Longton All Saints’ Attendance Statement

At New Longton All Saints’ C of E School, we are committed to achieving excellent levels of attendance for individual children. Underpinning this is the belief that if children attend school regularly and punctually, they will be able to take full advantage of the wonderful educational opportunities available to them and achieve their full potential.

By agreeing to our Home School Agreement NLAS Parents:

  • support the school and its ethos
  • ensure that their child arrives at school wearing the correct uniform and bringing necessaryequipment
  • participate in discussions concerning their child’s progress and attainment
  • ensure they attend school in good health, maintained by adequate diet, exercise and sleep
  • ensure early contact with school to discuss matters which affect a child’s happiness, progress and behaviour
  • respond to teacher’s comments in homework diaries
  • ensure that all contact addresses and telephone numbers are up to date and correct
  • inform the school of reasons for their child’s absence

As part of our Home School Agreement NLAS Parents should: From April 2024, the target for our school is 97% attendance. If your child’s attendance falls below this, a meeting may be organised with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher to organise an improving attendance plan. If attendance does not improve with the support and involvement of the school, you may referred to the Local Authority which may lead in you being taken to court or made to pay a fixed fine penalty. The Governors and Headteacher are unable to authorise any holiday during term time unless there are exceptional reasons, as it is very disruptive both academically and socially. Taking annual holiday in term time, in addition to any time lost through illness, has a huge impact to your child’s learning. If an absence is not agreed this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. For further information regarding attendance or term time holidays please follow the link below to our policies where you will find the Attendance policy.

Hugh Barn Lane
New Longton
Phone: 01772 613470
Jim Maloney Headteacher
Sarah Hunter School Business Manager
Send us a quick message and we’ll get back to you