
Courageous Advocacy

At New Longton, we encourage and support our children to be “courageous advocates”.  This means they champion causes which are special and meaningful to them.  These may be global issues or matters far more personal and closer to home. We have a range of leadership opportunities in school for children, which include Worship Warriors, Eco Councillors, House Captains & Prefects, Librarians, Sports Leaders, Buddies and many more. Within each of these groups, they work at making their school and community better through their actions.

We believe this develops resilience, teamwork, courage, independence and an understanding of the wider world and how they can help make it a better place, enabling our children to flourish. We talk about shining as God’s Light in the world (Matt 5:14) and how small, positive actions can make a big difference when we all agree to do them!

Our areas of change for this year

Our courageous advocacy champions have set the children a homework task, asking them to identify their own areas of injustice.  They then went into classes and worked together to identify one, thinking of the actions we could make to help.  

  • Eco Council – Litter in the Community
  • House Captains & Prefect Team –
  • Worship Warriors – To lead class worships more and create a charity link to support those less fortunate than us
  • Librarians – To be excellent reading role models and get more children reading at lunchtimes
  • Sports Leaders – To help KS1 children develop confidence in their sports ability.
  • Buddies (Y6 & Rec) – To teach our Buddies how to follow our All Saints’ Way

Examples of our Courageous Advocacy:

  • Freddie & Operation Christmas
Hugh Barn Lane
New Longton
Phone: 01772 613470
Jim Maloney Headteacher
Sarah Hunter School Business Manager
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