Our aim is for all pupils to be knowledgeable, expressive and inspired:
In Physical Education (PE) this means, children can show what they know and how they feel in many ways. They candemonstrate their skills by showing how well they can participate in physical activities. They can also be leaders by helpingothers and demonstrating skills. Children can be creative by moving in different ways, like dancing or making up newgames. They can think carefully and solve problems during activities, and they can set goals for themselves to improve.
Our Four Curriculum Drivers underpin our approach to learning across all subjects at NLAS.
In PE our Intent is that children can demonstrate their role as global citizens by participating in activities that promote cultural awareness, inclusivity and cooperation. This includes learning about different cultures through sports and games, working collaboratively in diverse teams and embodying values of fair play and social responsibility. Through these experiences, students not only develop physical skills but also cultivate a broader understanding of their place in a global community.
At NLAS we provide children with opportunities to learn how to maintain a healthy body and mind through a variety of activities. Teachers incorporate physical fitness exercises and mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress and enhance mental well-being. We provide pupils with basic nutrition education to support their understanding of the importance of healthy eating habits.
Our aim is to expose pupils to adventure and exploration through fun activities. They can go on nature walks and play team-building games. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to use their imagination such as creating obstacle courses or treasure hunts. By doing these activities, pupils can have fun while learning about adventure and trying new things.
Through PE all children are able to set personal goals, celebrate achievements, and look up to role models, fostering a culture of self-reflection and leadership to help them aspire for success.
All children, including those who have SEND or are disadvantaged are supported to fully access our curriculum. This may include providing individualized instruction, offering positive reinforcement, encouraging peer support, using flexible assessment methods, providing teacher training, and collaborating with special education professionals to ensure inclusion and participation.
The PE curriculum is taught through whole-class sessions, which is based on the current Lancashire Scheme of Work. Which is delivered through the Lancashire PE Passport app. This has been introduced to support the implementation of the latest changes to the National Curriculum. When appropriate, a cross-curricular element is introduced (for example, dance is often taught through year group topics, which are based on the Cornerstones planning resources). However, this is not always possible due to the nature of the subject.
In school, we have a wide range of sports facilities and resources which are used both in lessons and during extracurricular activities. These include:
Children in the Foundation Stage are given an increasing number of opportunities to undertake activities which offer physical challenges both indoor and out. Foundation stage children are encouraged to develop confidence and control when handling equipment. During PE lessons, children focus on developing gross and fine motor skills. The Lancashire scheme of work supports teachers in understanding the 5 key Fundamental Movement Skills pupils will develop to ensure they are ready for Key Stage One PE.
In Key Stage 1, pupils develop 10 fundamental movement skills and increase competency and confidence across a widerange of activities – including running, jumping, throwing and catching – resulting in an improvement in their agility, balance and coordination, both individually and with others. Class teachers teach lessons which allow children to perform dances using simple movement patterns.
In Key Stage 2, pupils apply the skills learnt in Key Stage 1, whilst developing a wider range of skills which they learn howto use in a variety of ways, linking them to create actions and sequences of movement. Children enjoy communicating,collaborating and competing with each other across a range of sporting activities. They develop an understanding of howto improve upon their own work in different physical activities and sports, and evaluate and recognise their own successes.
As well as continuing to develop the skills learnt in Key Stage 1, the children also develop a range of attacking anddefending tactics which are transferable to a range of competitive games such as badminton, basketball, cricket, football,hockey, netball and rounders. Class teachers teach lessons which allow children to develop flexibility, strength, technique,control and balance especially through gymnastics and dance. The children also learn to perform dances using a range ofmovement patterns.
Teachers continually assess the children’s skills throughout the year, identifying strengths and addressing difficulties -these are then considered when planning the next stage of teaching. The Lancashire PE Passport provides teachers witha range of lesson progressions – which are used appropriately with regard to each individual’s progress and needs – ratherthan on a lesson-by-lesson basis. Each unit of work contains core tasks which are to be completed both prior to, and at theend of the unit in order to provide staff with appropriate assessment opportunities. All assessment is gathered on the PE Passport app.