At NLAS, we understand spirituality as our ongoing journey of discovery. It is about awe and wonder, about experiences and learning, about asking questions and being aware of something that is bigger than ourselves. It is the “ahh” and “ooh” moments. Our curriculum is full of opportunities for children to develop their spirituality and discover more about the world and their place in it.
Collective Worship is the most important part of our day as a school family. We are proud of how our pupils talk openly and enthusiastically about worship and the impact that it has on their lives. Worship at NLAS is Inclusive, Invitational and Inspiring. We use the Collective Worship in Church of England Schools Document to support our approach.
Our daily act of worship, both as a whole school and in classes, offers everyone the opportunity to pray and reflect in a creative and engaging way with lots of opportunities to encounter the teachings of Jesus and explore the relevance of these teachings in today’s world. This daily invitational offer gives everyone the chance to join in whilst also allowing the freedom for those of other faiths and those without a faith to be present with integrity.
Inclusive: Worship is wide-ranging and varied in style. Our use of music and song includes a blend of traditional hymns and modern worship music. Many songs include actions, providing inclusivity for younger pupils. We discuss other faiths and world views as part of worship and key celebrations are linked on the worship planning. Our prayers also include actions, which support the interactive nature of worship.
Invitational: We use language carefully in collective worship to ensure it is both invitational and welcoming. We support children to engage with worship in their own way, ensuring it is suited to their spiritual development journey.
Inspiring: We want children to walk away from worship with fresh energy and a renewed motivation to make a difference and shine as God’s Light. Worship often feels like a celebration, with children singing and joining in! We want everyone in our school family to feel the deep joy of communicating with God and the fulfilment that this brings.
Our team of Worship Warriors meet with Mrs Griffith to plan and deliver worship across the school.
As part of our weekly Worships, we also commit to an affirmation each week. These range from linking to scripture, or simply being about self-development. We believe that through positive reinforcement of key ideas, we can support children in maintaining a positive and caring mindset, which underpins successful interactions and outcomes.