Our Curriculum


Our PSHE curriculum is broad, balanced and taught explicitly in PSHE lessons as well as permeatingthe whole curriculum, school life and underpinning our Christian values.


We want to help our children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. Withstrong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, we will deliver engaging and relevant sessions.

Our scheme of work aims to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need toeffectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. The curriculum covers key areas which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health,safety, wellbeing, relationships, and financial matters and will support them in becoming confident individuals and active members of society.The scheme covers wider PSHE learning, in line with the requirement of the National curriculum(2014) that schools ‘should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE).’ Children’s learning through this scheme significantly contributes to their personaldevelopment as set out in the Ofsted Inspection Framework and promotes the four fundamentalBritish values which reflect life in modern Britain: democracy; rule of law; respect and tolerance andindividual liberty.


Our scheme is a whole school approach that consists of three areas of learning in EYFS: Reception (tomatch the EYFS Personal, social and emotional development prime area) and five areas of learning across Key stages 1 and 2.


  • Self-regulation
  • Building relationships
  • Managing self

Key stage 1 and 2:

  • Families and relationships
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Safety and the changing body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic wellbeing

Each area is revisited to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons also provide aprogressive programme. The scheme also compliments our Equality work, supporting therequirements of the Equality Act through direct teaching, for example learning about differentfamilies, the negative effect of stereotypes and celebrating differences, in addition to the inclusion ofdiverse teaching resources throughout the lessons.

A range of teaching and learning activities are used and are based on good practice in teachingRSE/PSHE education to ensure that all children can access learning and make progress. In key stage 1 and 2, there is an introductory lesson at the start of each year group which provides theopportunity for children and teachers to negotiate ground rules for the lessons. These introductorylessons can then be referred to throughout the year to help create a safe environmen

Hugh Barn Lane
New Longton
Phone: 01772 613470
Jim Maloney Headteacher
Sarah Hunter School Business Manager
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