
Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

On here you will find a selection of your class’ learning overviews and useful links to support your children with their learning.

If you wish to contact your child’s class teacher, the best way to do so is to contact the school office on 01772613470 or via email

Year 6 Team

Sarah Parker
Sarah Parker

Teaching Assistant, Year 6

Olivia Carter
Olivia Carter

Year 6 Teacher

P.E. Days

Our P.E. days are Thursday and Friday. Children should come to school in their P.E. kit on this day.


Homework Diaries

Your child must bring their Homework Diary to school every day.  They should be reading regularly across a variety of genres. In Year 6, the children are expected to reflect upon their reading and record this in their diary. For example, they may make predictions about the text, comment on characters or explore new vocabulary. Each Friday, I will write a comment in your child’s Homework Diary. Please read this with your child over the weekend and sign the Homework Diary to confirm that you have seen the comment.  This will be checked on the Monday.


One of the mathematics papers that your child will take at the end of the year as part of their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) is an arithmetic paper. In order to develop their arithmetic skills in preparation for this, your child will bring home a weekly arithmetic skills sheet. This will be given to the children on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.

Times Tables

Fluency in times tables greatly aids children in their mathematics. It is imperative that your child is secure in all of the times tables up to 12 x 12,  as well as the corresponding division facts. Please ensure that your child uses Times Table Rock Stars 3 times per week for 10 minutes to revise these. Their individual log in details can be found in their Homework Diary.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)

As part of the SATs, your child will be assessed on their spelling, punctuation and grammar. In order to help develop their knowledge of this, Year 6 are expected to complete weekly SPAG homework from October half term using This will be set on the Friday, to be completed for the Wednesday. Their individual log in details will be added to their Homework Diary.


One of the two Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar SATs papers focusses solely on spelling. It is important that your child knows the meanings of words as well as their spelling.  Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and your child will be tested on these on the Friday of that week.

Hugh Barn Lane
New Longton
Phone: 01772 613470
Jim Maloney Headteacher
Sarah Hunter School Business Manager
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